LAMP (AlmaLinux 8)

LAMP (AlmaLinux 8)

  • OS: almalinux 8


LAMP is a popular open-source web development platform that stands for Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP. AlmaLinux 8 is a community-driven, enterprise-grade Linux distribution that is fully compatible with Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Together, LAMP on AlmaLinux 8 provides a stable and secure environment for building dynamic and scalable web applications.

Software included

Package Version
Apache 2.4.37
PHP 8.1.12
certbot 1.22.0
MariaDB 10.10.2

Initial start of the service

To start working directly with the application, all you have to do is upload the content that you want to be served by Apache to the /var/www/html directory. Once you've done this, you can visit the IP address assigned to your virtual machine in your browser to view the content you've uploaded. Of course, you can also point a domain to the corresponding IP address without having to configure anything further.

Quick settings and frequently asked questions

  • Logging into the cloud service is done using an SSH key or password that you have specified.
  • By default, the document root where you should upload your applications is /var/www/html
  • You can find your MySQL root password at /root/.my.cnf
  • This application image is configured to work with PHP-FPM. Basic PHP settings are located in /etc/opt/remi/php81/php.ini. When changing a setting, the PHP-FPM service must be restarted with the command systemctl restart php81-php-fpm. You can find additional information about PHP by running the php-i command. Information about installed PHP modules can be found with the php -m command.