MariaDB (AlmaLinux 8)

MariaDB (AlmaLinux 8)

  • OS: almalinux 8


MariaDB is a popular open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) that is used to store and manage data. It is a fork of the MySQL database system and was created by the original developers of MySQL after concerns arose over its acquisition by Oracle Corporation. MariaDB offers improved features, performance, and scalability compared to MySQL, and is designed to be highly compatible with its predecessor. It is widely used in web applications and is a preferred choice for organizations looking for a reliable and scalable database solution.

Software included

Package Version
MariaDB 10.10.2

Initial start of the service

This application image is configured to generate a random root password. Once generated, it will be written to the configuration file /root/.my.cnf. To get started with the app, all you need to do is login to your virtual machine via SSH, then switch to root. From here on you now have a MySQL shell via the already mentioned configured root MySQL user from which you can create databases, configure users, etc.

Controlling MariaDB service

Check the status of MariaDB service

systemctl status mariadb

Restarting MariaDB service

systemctl restart mariadb

Stopping MariaDB service

systemctl stop mariadb

Starting MariaDB service

systemctl start mariadb