MongoDB (AlmaLinux 8)

MongoDB (AlmaLinux 8)

  • OS: almalinux 8


MongoDB is a popular, NoSQL database that is used to store and manage large collections of data in a JSON-like format. It is extremely flexible and can be used in a variety of applications, including web and mobile applications and IoT devices. MongoDB features high performance and easy scalability, providing powerful search, query, and data aggregation tools.

Software included

Package Version
MongoDB server 6.0.4

Initial configuration

This application listens for queries on localhost by default. To get started you will need to login to your server via SSH, escalate privileges to root and execute MongoDB shell command mongosh. Then you will need to configure your MongoDB installation file /etc/mongod.conf according to your software requirements.

Controlling MongoDB service

Check the status of MongoDB service

systemctl status mongod

Restarting MongoDB service

systemctl restart mongod

Stopping MongoDB service

systemctl stop mongod

Starting MongoDB service

systemctl start mongod