Prometheus (AlmaLinux 8)

Prometheus (AlmaLinux 8)

  • OS: almalinux 8


Prometheus is a free system for monitoring and time-series data, widely used to measure the performance and status of various components of computer systems and networks. With Prometheus, you can collect, aggregate, and analyze data from multiple sources, including microservices, containers, and cloud services. This allows you to monitor and analyze your system in real-time and detect problems before they become critical. Prometheus provides a rich set of tools for event detection and tracking changes, which can help you optimize performance and improve the reliability of your system.

Software included

Package Version
Prometheus latest
Docker 3.20.10
Docker compose 2.12.2 1.6.10

Initial start of the service

This application uses Docker to provide faster startup of the companion software (Prometheus) and direct use of it. This eliminates the need to familiarize yourself with its specifics in terms of configuration and installation. To start working directly with the application, all you need to do is visit the IP address assigned to your virtual machine in your browser to view your new Prometheus installation.

Note: By default, Prometheus can be accessed directly by IP address. To start using Prometheus with your real domain, you must first point the domain in question to your IP address and change the settings for where Prometheus opens from through its admin panel.

Quick settings and frequently asked questions

  • Logging into the cloud service is done using an SSH key or password that you have specified.
  • Docker is installed as recommended by the official docker documentation.
  • The standard docker and docker compose commands are now available in this application.
  • When the virtual machine is first started, it takes a few minutes before a Docker container containing Prometheus is started.
  • By default, Prometheus runs on all available interfaces on the machine. The access port to Prometheus is 9090.

Working with Docker

The organization of this application is entirely done using Docker. In this way, we can provide you with ready-made applications faster. In addition, their configuration is more flexible and quite controllable. To be able to control this application, however, you need to know some basic Docker functionalities and features.

Restarting all services

Restarting the database and the Docker container that contains Prometheus itself, along with the rest of the software, can be done in two ways:

  1. By restarting the entire virtual machine
  2. Restarting the Docker containers, which is the faster option. To do this, access your machine via SSH, and run the following commands:
sudo su -
cd /opt/docker-prometheus/
docker compose restart

Recreating Docker containers

Recreation of a docker container may be necessary if you've changed the configuration inside the docker-compose.yml file. If there are changes, please follow these steps:

cd /opt/docker-prometheus/
docker compose stop
docker compose up -d

Checking the status of the Docker application

To check, you need to run the following commands:

sudo su -
docker ps -a

Please pay attention to the STATUS column. It should show how long the service has been running, for example Up X minutes. If the status is Restarting then you need to check what is wrong with the application. In such a case, you can check by following the application logs as follows:

  1. Get the application name that you can see in the NAMES column from the output of the docker ps -a command. View the logs with the docker logs <NAME> command, where is the name of the container.